0 ) { if( $res = mysql_query("select * from maps where id=$get") ) $tuple = mysql_fetch_array($res); else fatal("Error: " . mysql_error()); if( empty($cat) ) $cat = $tuple[catroot]; $got = 1; // flag we got the tuple if( strlen($tuple['lang']) && isset($ezLangs[$tuple['lang']]) ) $ezMap['lang'] = $tuple['lang']; // use this map's lang encoding } getLang(0); doHTML(); ?> I've Been Places Travel Video Blog - Vlog $L[idx_map_offline]\n"); } ?>

Click a red dot on the map to watch a video.
Web Data Extraction

0) $Locations[] = $City->GetCityData($row['location_id']); if( is_numeric($row[height]) ) $H = "height=\"$row[height]\" "; else $H = ""; if( is_numeric($row[width]) ) $W = "width=\"$row[width]\" "; else $W = ""; $top = $tuple[ypos] + $row[top]; $left = $tuple[xpos] + $row[xleft]; echo "
\n"; /* $top = $row[top]; $left = $row[xleft]; echo "
\n"; */ echo " \"\" \n"; // Build tooltip div //$myTips = doTip($row,$left,$top); // create tooltip //echo $myTips; echo "
\n"; // Build tooltip div $top += 10; $left += 10; $myTips .= doTip($row,$left,$top); // create tooltip } //print_r($Locations); // update view counter for this map mysql_query("update maps set viewed = viewed + 1 where id = $tuple[id]"); // output the tooltips echo $myTips; ?> "; print "
"; ## most popular - start $MostPopular = $City->MostPopular(); //kill most popular at the beginning of work if(0 && $MostPopular) { //print_r($MostPopular); print "
Most popular
\n"; print "\n"; //print "\n"; foreach( $MostPopular as $RowNo => $CityRow) { $CityData = $City->GetCityData($CityRow['id']); if(!empty($CityRow['name']) && (!empty($CityData['info'][1]) || !empty($CityData['info'][2]) || !empty($CityData['info'][3]) || !empty($CityData['info'][4]) || !empty($CityData['info'][5]) || !empty($CityData['info'][6]))) { $cityLink = SITE_URL.'/cities_'.$CityRow['id'].'_'.urlize($CityRow['name']).'.html'; /* $cityLink = ''.$CityRow['name']."
\n"; */ print "\n"; /* print "\n"; */ } } print "
".$CityRow['name'].", ".$CityRow['recorded'].", ".$CityRow['city'].", ".$CityRow['country']."
".$CityRow['name'].", ".$CityRow['recorded'].", ".$CityRow['city'].", ".$CityRow['country']."
\n"; } ## most popular - end ## print location list if(is_array($Locations) && count($Locations) > 0) { //print_r($Locations); print "
All videos

\n"; print "\n"; //print "\n"; foreach( $Locations as $RowNo => $CityRow) { if(!empty($CityRow['city']) && !empty($CityRow['name']) && (!empty($CityRow['info'][1][0]['description']) || !empty($CityRow['info'][2][0]['description']) || !empty($CityRow['info'][3][0]['description']) || !empty($CityRow['info'][4][0]['description']) || !empty($CityRow['info'][5][0]['description']) || !empty($CityRow['info'][6][0]['description']))) { $cityLink = SITE_URL.'/cities_'.$CityRow['id'].'_'.urlize($CityRow['name']).'.html'; /* $cityLink = ''.$CityRow['name']."
\n"; print "\n"; */ //print_r($CityRow['info']); print "\n";//, ".$CityRow['record_date'].", ".$CityRow['city'].", ".$CityRow['country']." } } print "
\n"; } print "
"; ## under map div } // query else fatal("Error: " . mysql_error()); } // get is set else { // display generic list // header file if any... if( is_file("header.html") ) include("header.html"); // first get all maps $Q = "select M.*,C.title as CT from maps M, cats C where M.catroot=C.id "; echo "Query: $Q\n"; // by default only show active ones if( !isset($showAll) || empty($showAll) ) $Q .= "and M.active = 1 "; // show from a certain category if( isset($cat) && is_numeric($cat) && $cat > 0 ) $Q .= "and M.catroot = $cat "; $Q .= "order by CT, M.title"; //echo "\n"; if( $res = mysql_query($Q) ) { $i = 0; $j = 0; $oldCat = 0; echo "
\n"; // prepare category divider if( is_numeric($ezMap['cats_in_row']) && $ezMap['cats_in_row'] > 0 ) $myMod = $ezMap['cats_in_row']; else $myMod = 4; // default num just in case // outer table echo "\n"; echo "\n"; while( $row = mysql_fetch_array($res) ) { if( $oldCat != $row['catroot'] ) { // print cat box if( $oldCat ) { echo "
\n"; printf($L['idx_cat_viewed'],catViewed($oldCat)); echo "\n
\n"; echo " \n\n
\n"; // close last table echo "\n \n"; // see if we need to close the row and open a new one echo "\n"; if( !($j % $myMod) ) echo "\n\n"; } echo " \n\n"; // category table echo "\n"; echo "\n"; $tmp = sprintf($L['idx_maps_in'],$row['CT']); echo " \n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo " \n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo " \n\n
\n"; echo "
\n"; echo " \n"; echo " \n"; echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; $oldCat = $row['catroot']; $j++; // count categories } echo "\"map\" $row[title]
\n"; $i++; } // summarize last category echo "
\n"; printf($L['idx_cat_viewed'],number_format(catViewed($oldCat))); echo "\n
\n"; echo "
\n"; // close outer table echo "\n \n\n\n\n"; // summary data echo "

\n"; printf($L['records'],$i); echo "

\n"; if( is_file("footer.html") ) include("footer.html"); echo "

\n"; echo $L['powered']; echo "

\n"; } } // get is not set ?>  

Copyright 2006-2012 Cosic Development
Cities compare distance